Uptime Guarantee
If at any time Webzi does not maintain an online uptime of 99.9% over the course of a year, meaning, if the accumulated offline time in a year is more than 8.5 hours, our uptime guarantee will be honored by submitting a request to conecta@webzi.mx according to the following scale:
- 8.5 to 12 hours of downtime: 10% compensation
- 12 to 15 hours of downtime: 20% compensation
- 15 to 24 hours of downtime: 50% compensation
- More than 24 hours of downtime: 100% compensation
Description of the Compensation
The compensation percentage is calculated monthly, even if the billing is annual;
therefore, the compensation should be considered a proportional refund.
To illustrate how this calculation works, we provide the following examples:
Example 1. 8.5 hours of downtime for a service with a monthly cost of $2,000 equates
to a refund of $200 (10% compensation).
Example 2. 8.5 hours of downtime for a service with an annual cost of $25,000 equates to a
refund of $208.33 (10% compensation). To calculate this amount, the annual payment should be divided by 12.
If more than one event occurs in the same year, the refund will also be repeated for any of the affected months.
Invalidation of the Guarantee
Webzi's Uptime Guarantee will not be valid in any of the following scenarios:
- Scheduled maintenance announced at least 6 hours in advance
- Natural disasters that affect or interrupt activities at the Data Center
- When downtime is attributable to user applications or programming errors
- When downtime is due to the suspension or termination of service due to non-compliance with the policies of this document